Friday, January 8, 2010


"Whew! That was a long swim!"

It took me a while, but just over a year later, I am officially back in the States!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to keep publishing to this blog because I just have to face the cold, hard truth that I can't travel as much as I would like to. I spent all me money in Australia, and that's why I had to swim back home.

The good news is I just launched my new blog called "Seriously Mike Roach" You should check it out! Seriously.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Spelunking in Jenolan Caves

One of my other Adventures from Sydney was after seeing the Blue Mountains, we went to the Jenolan Caves. I was on a big charter bus like the one for the wine tasting, and I was the only one (from our bus) who did the actual spelunking; where you get down and dirty.

To view the album from the Jenolan Caves CLICK HERE.

Bungy Jump Video

Here it is, you can all now watch the moment where I changed from a boy into a man... enjoy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bungy Jumping in New Zealand

I'm getting these postings done while I sit in an Internet Cafe in New Zealand. I'm in the village of Taupo, and yesterday I went Bungy Jumping!

CLICK HERE to view the photos from my Bungy Jump.

There is also a video of the Bungy Jump that I hope to post the next time I can get my computer attached to the internet.