Tuesday, August 19, 2008


"A picture is worth a thousand words."

Here you go... as promised. Again, this was the sunset after the first overcast day since I've been here in Townsville. Enjoy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Weekend of No Plans

"It's nice to not have something on the to-do list."

First, I want to say "sorry" for not updating the blog in a while. The second week of classes was fairly uneventful, and this past weekend was pretty easy-going.

Friday we went down to a couple rope swings on a nearby river. It's only about a 20 minute walk from ole' George Roberts Hall.

^The first (more wimpy) rope swing^

^Waiting our turn for the more intense rope swing^
You actually have to jump out of a tree

^I'm next!^

^I call this "the Spiderman"^

Friday night we went to Uni-Club for a battle of the bands event. I think it goes on every Friday night. It was fun!

Saturday we went down to the Strand (the Beach). The Strand actually has its own Wikipedia entry. Click here if you want to read up and see more pictures. I believe it was Wednesday that Townsiville started what is called Cultural Fest. It is defined as "5 fun filled days of dance, food, music, arts, workshops and sports Cultural Fest brings the Townsville region to life."

^Aerial shot of Townsville's Cultural Fest^

It was pretty interesting, there was lots of food from all over the world. However, I did spend most of the day trying to find an ATM. Oh well, and since we were in no hurry to get back to campus we stuck around and took some pictures of the sunset.

^Full Moon Rising^


Today (Monday) was the first overcast day since I've been in Townsville. Most days are very clear with not a cloud in the sky. I asked my roommate what was the white stuff in the sky was because I hadn't seen it here before. He said, "I don't know. I think a cotton factory exploded somewhere and that stuff is just stuck in the sky." Hardee-Har!

However, the overcast sky made for an amazing sunset, and I will post those pictures tomorrow. What? I gotta leave you with a reason to come back to the blog tomorrow.
